Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Anyone For Statistics?

Nancy Baym at Online Fandom has cottoned on to the potential of last.fm to feed back listening data from 240 countries, which arrived in my newsreader at just the right time for me to mess about with it.

The list of music deliberately tagged as Croatian isn't as definitive as it could be, but browsing various ex-Yugoslav artists and seeing what last.fm considers to be 'similar artists' based on overall listening habits is the Gazette's official lunchtime time-waste today. Transnational Eurovision fandom throws a slight spanner in the works (especially where Severina's concerned - and why else would Croatians or Andorrans be listening to both Goran Karan and Marijan van der Wal?), but the figures for Miroslav Škoro, Baruni, Seka Aleksić or Mile Kitić are pretty much what one might expect, while Neda Ukraden's eighties stuff obviously lives on somewhere.

On the other hand, that really isn't a nice thing to say about Rebeka Dremelj now, is it?

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