Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Glad Tidings: Marko Perković Thompson

Većernji list reports that Marko Perković Thompson's third child (and first daughter) is going to be called - not Jelena, as previously thought, but Diva Marija. Just like one of the songs on his next album.

No, that isn't a mash-up of Dana International's Eurovision winner and its Croatian cousin, but refers to a 'heroine from the Croatian past' who, thanks to a certain Madame Callas, is almost impossible to google. (If she'd been due any earlier, would she have been named after Thompson's summer hit Lipa Kaja (Pretty Kaja)?)

Diva Marija joins her older brothers Petar Šimun and the topically-named Ante, which brings the Gazette to a link from Neretva River. Ivo Fabijan singing in honour of Tomislav Merčep and Branimir Glavaš, anyone?

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